Christmas is now a distant memory and the New Year is here. You’re probably saying to yourself...
- Too much Turkey?
- Too many Chocolates?
- No more Wine or Beer!
- Get down the Gym & exercise...
But remember with all the spoiling of doggy treat presents bought and leftovers of Christmas day dinner your dog has probably over overindulge too.
if you have a high energy dog, get up early and take them for a run - this will offer duel benefits for you and your pooch, and providing your dog is tired after a 5k - 10k run you should have time to get down the Gym to work on those Abs & Pecs.
Whilst you’re out active at work, why not look at hiring a dog walker. This will ensure your dog is active, socialised and exercised. It may also give you more time when you get in late from a hard day to perhaps do a slightly shorter walk with your dog, freeing you up to get to the Gym or better still cuddle up on the couch with your dog... Stay away from those chocolates though!